Let's set prices from here
Revolutionize your pricing: fast and effortless price adjustments with maximum flexibility
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What we believe in
Flexible prices that are easy and fast to set
boost sales and drive business growth

Fast adjustments

Imagine having the power to tweak your pricing strategies real fast, instantly adapting to market fluctuations, seasonal trends, and even the moves of your competitors. No more laborious spreadsheets, no more long communication processes, and definitely no more missed revenue opportunities. Our platform equips you with the tools to make rapid, informed decisions, so you can pivot and capture maximum profitability.

A few poeple in front of their laptops with configuration cog icons in the background. They illustrate how elastic the price congiruations are

Elastic configuration

Imagine effortlessly tailoring prices based on individual client needs, client groups, market segments, and even specific product features. Our cutting-edge platform allows you to dive deep into granular pricing adjustments at an unprecedented scale.

A few poeple in front of their laptops with configuration cog icons in the background. They illustrate how elastic the price congiruations are


Forget about costly, time-consuming custom coding or wrangling with incompatible systems—our platform is designed to effortlessly weave into your existing tech stack. The beauty? You're not just adding a tool; you're amplifying the power of all your systems, from CRM and ERP to e-commerce platforms and beyond. With robust API capabilities, our solution acts as the neural hub of your pricing strategy, allowing data to flow bi-directionally, ensuring accuracy, and enabling automations

An abstract illustration of an API that seamlessly connects with any other service


Step into the future with our ground-breaking price catalog solution, now supercharged with AI Insights to elevate your pricing game to levels you never thought possible. Think of it as your in-house data scientist, relentlessly scouring trends, analyzing buyer behavior, and predicting market fluctuations—all at a fraction of the cost. No more guesswork, no more wasted opportunities; just clear, actionable insights served directly to you on a data-driven platter

A woman with a lot of chips on her head that illustrates AI


An green tick icon that illustrates success
Up to 100 products
An green tick icon that illustrates success
An green tick icon that illustrates success
Best Value!
(per month)
An green tick icon that illustrates success
Everything from Free
An green tick icon that illustrates success
An green tick icon that illustrates success
Unlimited products
(per month)
An green tick icon that illustrates success
Everything from Standard
An green tick icon that illustrates success
An green tick icon that illustrates success
Outsmart your competition with a new pricing tool
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